
Core Value

Our purpose is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among our members, and to be united in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.

Our Members Are...

Honest and ethical
Dependable and trustworthy
Respectful of ourselves and each other
Generous of time, talent, and treasure for each other, Theta Tau, and our community
Proud that we are the oldest, largest, and foremost fraternity of engineers

Guiding Principles

Culture of brotherhood, lifelong relationships, and connection
Mutual respect and professionalism
Balance of social, service, and professional activities
Diversity of engineering disciplines and demographics

Our Goals

We pride ourselves in adhering to the following three principles:

  • Brotherhood

    We strive to make the group as closely knit as possible throughout one's college years. Our goal is to be one body, creating and maintaining lifelong brotherly bond.
  • Professionalism

    We seek to shape up one's professional interests to prepare them for their life ahead of college. We plan various networking opportunities as well as events that provide a sneak peek at different professional careers.
  • Service

    For the purpose of our members' personal growth, as well as our community's benefits, we are involved in projects that give back to the community around us. Serving alongside brothers will establish strong bonds and also guarantee a truly meaningful time through one's college years.